👀Admin overview

Lampi AI provides Admins with enhanced capabilities to efficiently organize and manage their deployment. Admins can access admins settings within Lampi AI, allowing them to control permissions, applications, and usage.

Setting up employees, permissions and roles

Admins have the ability to invite new members, define and manage permissions for each role or team within the organization. Here’s how you can manage permissions and roles in Lampi AI:

  • Role definition: Admins can set specific permissions for different roles within Lampi AI. This allows for precise control over what each role can access and modify. Roles can range from basic member roles with limited access to full admin roles with control over the workspace.

  • Inviting new members: Easily invite new members to your workspace by sending them an invite via email. The number of invitation you have will depend on your subscription.

  • Assigning roles: Upon inviting new members, Admins can assign them specific roles. This involves granting the appropriate access levels and permissions to ensure each member has the tools they need to perform their tasks effectively. Roles can be tailored to be very specific, customizing permissions for each member according to their responsibilities.

  • Shared workspace access: Control access to shared workspaces, ensuring that team members have the necessary permissions to collaborate effectively.

Admins have full permissions and can assign Admin status to other users.

Lampi AI allows for highly specific and customizable permissions for each member.

Admins can monitor who has received an invite, who hasn't joined and who is active on Lampi AI.

Be carreful:

  • Ensure end-users access only the information or tasks they are authorized to view or perform;

  • Define roles and permissions based on responsibilities and data sensitivity levels.

Learn more about setting up employees and permissions and roles.

Insights dashboard

Admins can access the Insights dashboard from the left navigation menu. The dashboard provides a series of comprehensive reports on:

  • User engagement: See how teammates are using Lampi AI, including frequency of use and activity levels.

  • Uploaded or connected files: See the number of files that have been uploaded or connected to Lampi instance.

  • Internal usage: Identify the internal usage of AI within your organization (number of queries, agents, recorded meetings, etc.).

  • Number of generated tokens: Identify the total number of generated tokens within your organization on different period of time.

These insights help you understand the impact of Lampi AI on your team's productivity and identify areas for improvement.

Learn more about Insights dashboard.

Managing context

Admins have the ability to manage the context for the entire organization, ensuring that all data is organized, accessible, and secure or let each member (or specific members) manages her/his own context.

For more, managing enterprise data.

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