🔐Permissions and Roles
Admins can define and manage roles and permissions, ensuring that each team member has the appropriate access and capabilities.
Creating custom roles
A role is a group of permissions that can be granted.
Admins can create as many roles as necessary to suit the specific needs of their organization. They assign permission sets to a role, instead of assigning individual permissions.
These roles can be highly customized to grant access to only certain features or to reflect different departmental access rights. For example, you might create a role that excludes access to context management or the ability to create agents, or you might create roles for different departments with distinct access rights.
To create new roles, you can simply click on "New role" in your Admin space. You can also delete a role or multiple roles from an organization.
Customizing permissions
Permissions include the ability to view and/or use Lampi's features. For each role, you can attribute permissions in a highly customizable configuration. This allows you to tailor access and capabilities very specifically to each role.
Below is the comprehensive list of permissions you can configure:
List of Permissions:
Access QA
Access agents
Access chat messages
Access connectors
Access documents
Access meetings
Access notes
Access roles
Access search results
Access settings
Access workspaces
Create agents
Create chat messages
Create connectors
Create documents
Create meetings
Create notes
Create roles
Create settings
Create users
Create workspaces
Delete agents
Delete chat messages
Delete connectors
Delete documents
Delete meetings
Delete notes
Delete roles
Delete settings
Delete users
Delete workspaces
Manage connectors
Send feedback
Share channels
Share meetings
Sync connectors
Update agents
Update chat messages
Update documents
Update meetings
Update notes
Update roles
Update settings
Update users
Update workspaces
View QA
View admin settings
View agents
View browse
View connectors
View context
View documents
View links
View meetings
View notes
View preferences
View settings
View tools
View workspaces
Applying some roles or permissions might limit UI functionality for the related user.
Inviting new members
You can invite new members to join your enterprise account directly from your Admin dashboard by clicking on "New employee" and fulfill the table with his/her name, surname, e-mail address. You can indicate a password or let the new member adds it at the first connection.
More information about setting up employees.
Assigning roles and workspace access
You can assign the new members specific roles that you defined in the previous step. This ensures they have the appropriate access levels and permissions right from the start.
Admins can also define which workspaces each person (or team) can access. This is particularly useful when organizing your workspace by department and ensuring that individuals only have access to the documents and agents relevant to their department.
Best Practices and Advice
Define roles and permissions based on responsibilities and data sensitivity: Carefully consider the responsibilities of each role and the sensitivity of the data they will access.
Ensure end-users access only the information or They Are Authorized to View or Perform: Limiting access to only what is necessary reduces the risk of data breaches and helps in maintaining data integrity.
Organize Your Workspace by Access Rights: Structuring your workspace based on access rights ensures that only authorized personnel can access certain documents and tools, enhancing overall security and operational efficiency.
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