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In this section, you will find useful information to use Lampi search capabilities.

How to access?

Access Lampi’s AI-powered search by clicking on "Browse" in the left corner of your homepage.

No matter where you go in the platform, you'll be able to access your AI-powered search.

How to conduct searches?

To conduct a search, simply write your query in the search bar.

Lampi will search all the relevant data and documents.

How it works?

Lampi’s AI-powered search performs a similarity search over a set of vectors or "embeddings".

Embeddings are arrays of numbers that provide a meaningful representation of unstructured pieces of data. These distance functions calculate the semantic similarity of the data that was used to create vectors, and we call searching for vectors that are close to a specific vector "similarity search".

It utilizes machine learning to understand the deeper meaning of your search terms. This part of its semantic search capabilities goes beyond the literal matching of words, interpreting the context and intent behind your query to provide more nuanced results.

Finding relevant data in search involves a complex combination of sub-processes that are continuously evaluated, tested, and adjusted. When utilizing Lampi's search, Lampi employs advanced algorithms to ensure the most relevant and accurate results. Such algorithms are sophisticated enough to recognize different forms of your search terms, to correct or suggest alternatives for misspelled words, and also differentiate between terms based on punctuation and spacing.

Compared to traditional keyword search, Lampi's searchability is not limited to one language in the query and the results. It can be set to perform cross-lingual searches (i.e., the query and the results are of a different language).

Lampi represents a sophisticated evolution in data management and content generation for your enterprise. It seamlessly integrates into your, enabling your team to extract specific, contextually relevant information upon inquiry. Instead of navigating vast and growing volumes of data manually, you can pose direct questions to Lampi and receive curated responses.

Last updated