How to create custom tools?

Learn how to create your own tool.

Creating a custom tool allows you to automate specific tasks or workflows tailored to your needs. You can define all the steps that our AI agents need to perform to execute your specific workflows or tasks.

Follow these steps to create your custom tool:

Steps to create a custom tool

Create a title and description

Enter a clear and concise title for your tool that accurately reflects its purpose. This helps in easily identifying the tool among others.

Write a detailed description of your tool. Explain what the tool does, the problems it solves, and the benefits it offers. Be as specific as possible to provide a clear understanding of its functionality. If you decide to create a tool with AI, Lampi will use your description to propose an action plan for the specific task.

Define the category and accessibility

Category: Choose the relevant category for your tool. This helps in organizing tools and making them easier to find.

Accessibility: Decide who can access this tool:

  • Only by me: The tool is private and only you can use it.

  • My team: The tool is shared and accessible by your team members.

Methods to create a tool

Create a tool with AI

Lampi will propose sections and related questions for the specific task based on the description you provided. Once you have fulfilled the title and description, just click on "Create a tool with AI", and Lampi will propose a specific action plan.

You have the flexibility to review and edit any outputs from the AI to better fit your requirements. Customize sections and questions as needed to enhance the tool's effectiveness.

Create a tool manually

You can manually create your own sections and questions by clicking. This allows you to tailor the tool precisely to your specific needs.

Create a tool with CSV

You can upload a CSV with all your sections and questions. The CSV needs to be structured as follows:

  • Section: indicate on each line the name of the section

  • Question: indicate your questions (prompt for the LLM)

  • Apps: indicate the sources of context for the LLM: - For context search, indicate "search_context" - For web search, indicate "search_web".

  • Condensate prompt: indicate your condensate prompt (as indicated below).



{Name of the section 1}

{Your prompt}

{indicate the sources of context for the LLM: - For context search, indicate "search_context" - For web search, indicate "search_web"

{Condensate prompt for section 1}

{Name of the section 1}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 1}

{Name of the section 1}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 1}

{Name of the section 2}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 2}

{Name of the section 2}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 2}

{Name of the section 3}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 3}

{Name of the section 3}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 3}

{Name of the section 3}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 3}

{Name of the section 3}

{Your prompt}

{Condensate prompt for section 3}

Manage the prompt sequences

Selecting insight sources for each question

For each question, choose the source of information that best fits your needs by clicking on the relevant icon:

  • Context search: Lampi will retrieve information from the selected context in the chat where you launch the tool. Find more information about how to select context in How to manage context?

  • Web search: Lampi will pull information from web searches for up-to-date and broad context.

Creating a condensate prompt for each section

Condensate prompt will condense by section all the information Lampi has retrieved from each question (prompt).

The condensate prompt significantly affects the results.

Ensure that the prompt is clear and concise to yield the best outcomes.

Example of condensate prompt:

Your role: You are the best financial analyst in M&A, and you are generating the final version of a Company Analysis presentation. When responding, you will always use all elements provided and provide a detailed answer, prioritize accuracy and relevance, dive into details, and always add impactful information. Write in a structured and digestible format, including different paragraphs and if relevant bullet points. Your task: Consolidate all the information from the answers below to generate the slide “introduction” of a Company analysis presentation. Your answer should detail the relevant text consolidation of all impactful and important information provided regarding the presentation of the company such as activities, products/services offer, headquarter, market of operations, governance, employees, revenue, market positioning, transformation, growth, acquisition or innovations or any similar available information.

Important tips using variables

To create variables that may change each time you perform the tasks, use double accolades {{variable}}.

Example: If you want to perform a company analysis for different companies each time, write your prompt like this:

Provide if available a highly detailed presentation of all the services and products offered by {{company_name}}.

Once you access the tool, you will simply need to fill in the variables (e.g., the company name).

Keep in mind that each prompt is independent, so draft them carefully to maintain context and clarity.

In the example of a company analysis, it’s important to always include the company name (or a variable) in each prompt to ensure consistency and accuracy.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create custom tools that automate your tasks and workflows, saving you time and effort.

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