🀝Setting up employees

Setting up employees might be your first step n configuring Lampi for your organization. This process involves creating a comprehensive list of teammates, managing their access to various features, and ensuring that the directory is accurate and up-to-date.

More information about Permissions and roles.

For each employee, administrators need to provide the following information:

  • Name: Enter the first and last name of the employee.

  • Email Address: The email address must be unique across your organization. It is used to link the person to their activities and interactions within Lampi and other connected applications.

  • Department: Specify the department to which the employee belongs. Departments should represent groups of people who perform similar tasks, such as 'Engineering' or 'Technical Services'.

How to set up employees

Follow these steps to set up employees in Lampi:

  1. Access admin settings: From the Lampi homepage, click on the menu and select 'Admin settings'. This will take you to the administration panel, where you can manage all aspects of your organization’s Lampi setup.

  2. Add new employees: Click on the "New employee" button to begin the setup process.

  3. Complete the information: Fill in the required information for the new employee, including their name, email address, and department (or groups of colleagues performing similar tasks).

  4. Send invitation: Once the information is completed, an invitation link will be sent to the employee's email address. The employee will use this link to join Lampi and complete their profile setup.

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